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What's the hashtag for the battle?Our duet battle's hashtag is #YTFWDB.
Why did you give an extra week for Thanksgiving but not Christmas or New Years?The original date for Course 1, before the extra week, was right on Thanksgiving week. Regardless of your specific thoughts on the holiday itself, some people still take advantage of it to go on vacation. Vacationers sometimes go early, so I added an extra week, just in case. Course 2 encompasses Christmas and New Years, but the DL is past that. So, as long as people don't slack, they have time after those holidays to finalize/finish up their entry.
How much money per group/person will you donate to Action Against Hunger?It depends on how many people/groups end up joining. For right now, it'll be the number of groups x 2 OR the number of participants x 2. I will do my best to calculate it in a way that allows me to donate a decent amount to the charity.
Can't you just donate money without the DB?Of course I can! However, I'm using this chance to also advertise the charity/cause a little more because of how many people generally pay attention to battles. My wish for stating that I'll donate based on the number of groups/participants, is that it will generate some amount of awareness to the charity, even if it's just a little bit. We will also include a link to the charity's homepage in the description of every Theme/Results video.
How will themes/theme interpretations work?They will rely heavily on how you use your ingredients in the entry. The interpretation will be you "presenting" your "dish" to us and letting us know how you used your ingredients. If you've ever watched the TV show, "Chopped," then it's similar to how the competing chefs would present their dishes. You DO NOT have to interpret the ingredients literally. You can get as creative with the interpretation as you'd like. Ex: One of your key ingredients is candy. A few options/routes you can take (You're not limited to these styles of interpretation) - You can choose to incorporate various types of candies into your visuals. - Choosing a song that has "Candy" in the title or mentions candy in the lyrics. Does not have to necessarily be about candy. - Interpreting candy as something sweet/sugary, so you choose a cute and happy song. You could also interpret it as a sort of addiction, choosing a song that relates to that.
Can people join more than one group?Vocalists CANNOT join more than one group as a vocalist. However, they can join another group as a staff member. STAFF ONLY members can join more than one group, but please don't join more than what you can reasonably handle.
Can we do frame-by-frame animations?You can, but they involve a lot more than your standard CB animations. I highly advise against it. If you feel like you can definitely get it done with the time allotted then I'm okay with it. Judging would have to be changed slightly to accomodate for it, but general categories like anatomy consistency for the art, smooth transitions etc. will be judged for sure. Doing frame-by-frame animations or anything else beyond the "typical CB standards" will not automatically garner you more points. only do them if that's a style you'd like to go with!
Can we be anonymous?Yes, you can be anons! However, remember that when you register with us, we'll still need to know who you are so we can keep a record of things.
Is the entry time limit for the whole entry or just the song portion? What if we want to add in VA at the beginning or end?2:00 max. is for the whole singing/music portion. If you go over up to 10 seconds, because of how the song may cut off, then that's okay. VAs won't count into the time, so long as your song follows the time requirements.
Are we allowed to recruit different roles to our group aside from Mixers, Animators, or Artists? Could we recruit people to do Quality Checks?"Quality Check is not a role that we will accept as official into this battle. That could easily be done by the other members in your group. You can ask people outside your group to do a quality check for you, but they will not receive a prize and won't be registered as a part of your group. Other group members such as a translyricist/arranger can be recruited as long as you keep the total amount of members the same.
If I double as a vocalist and another staff role, will I be counted as a chef or both a chef and a chef de partie?"You'll only be counted as a chef!
Is it still considered a TV-sized/Short version if it's a 2:00 song when the full version is 5+ minutes?Yes! It's still considered a TV-sized/short version even if it's only the max amount of time we give you, despite the song being much much longer.
For the baking/cooking pre-appetizer course, what sort of things would be acceptable?"You can either: A) Bake/Cook something with your team name incorporated (if it is applicable). B) Bake/Cook something complimentary to your team name (if it is applicable). C) Bake/Cook whatever you want and write your team name on it in sauce or however you'd like to show it. If there's another way that you've thought of, feel free to do it as long as it can be connected back to your group/team name!
Can we use translyrics?Yes! If they're not made by you, please credit the translyricist properly!
What's the process of roster changes?You just need to DM us about it on twitter or through the organizer's discord (Siderea#9611). Include their name, if they're anon then include the anon name as well, and their link.
Can we make a full-length entry?You're allowed to, but you won't get any extra points/extra benefits etc. AND we will only judge you up until the maximum required length for the CB.
Is it okay to go over the maximum length a little bit because of how the song is?Yes, that's perfectly fine. Around 10 seconds etc. is fine. We won't penalize you for doing more because some songs are just hard to cut at specific spots. However, we won't judge you for anything past the maximum time length or the over time length.
Can we commission for staff work?You can, if that's what you'd like to do and you have the means to commission. We'll still judge it as we would with any other non-commissioned work entry.
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