Get Your Team Ready!
There is a maximum of 2 chefs per group. You may have up to 4 chef de Partie.
The chefs are NOT allowed to join more than 1 group. The Chef de Parties may join more than one group, but don’t join more than what you can handle.
Chefs = Vocalists
Chef de Partie = Staff
Saucier = Mixers
Boucher = Animators
Patissier = Artists
Chefs may assist their own team with work or any Saucier, Boucher, or Patissier can double up on the other chef de partie role.
If you need to switch out a chef de partie at any time during the competition, then you may do so. Just inform us of the change via DM so we can update our records.
Warning: Only individuals who have stayed with the group for all 3 courses, may receive a prize.
IF YOU NEED TO SWITCH OUT A CHEF OR CHEF DE PARTIE. Each group is allowed 1 recipe card per course. If you require more switches or replacements then it's -1 for each card.
You can join the battle as an anon group or individual, but you MUST tell us who you are upon registration. It’s so we can keep a proper record on people.

Ready to Serve?
Songs must be a minimum of 1:00 in length and only a maximum of 2:00.
Languages allowed: Any established languages and made-up languages (For ex. Songs from kaoling).
Any genre of songs is okay. Mashups, medleys, remixed instrumentals etc. are all fine.
If you go over about 10 seconds because of how the song has to cut off, that’s okay. VA’s won’t count into the time.
Please title your entry appropriately.
【FWDB-Ap/En/De】 Song Name【Group Name】
Your DESCRIPTION must include:
Theme Interpretation/How the ingredients were used.
Proper credits to group members, song credits, etc.
When submitting your entry:
You will need to turn in:
All of the above - MP3, Acapella, and script.
Pinterest, weheartit, sketchy wallpaper engine sites, etc. do not count for resource crediting.
You’ll be deducted -2 for each sketchy link. No questions asked.
You DON'T have to credit CSP brushes/AE effects/plugins/fonts unless the companies or creators stated otherwise.
Illustrations folder
Alternate Upload Link
Missing LINKS and/or failure to link each part individually in the ENTRY FORM will leave your entry unprocessed. Your form will be deleted and you’ll be asked to resubmit.
Missing FILES (Such as rendered/shaded art, mix, etc.) will be -2 for every file.
Make sure links are viewable! It’d be easier for us if we didn’t have to contact leaders to change the sharing permissions.
ANY Plagiarism/Tracing for art and improper crediting/usage of ANYTHING that you’ve used will get you disqualified.
The only exception we are WILLING to make is if you missed linking it in your assets doc because of the many other links you have and we recognize the asset OR we'll contact you. This, we believe, is understandable.
We will not be downloading anything so don't send us a zip/rar file link for any of the files. AND DON'T LINK anything that AUTOMATICALLY downloads onto our computer. They will not be accepted and you’ll be contacted to re-upload them.